Shortly after my last post, Mark and I took a trip down to Hilton Head for my birthday. It was a nice trip and we talked about being pregnant with you and how excited, yet worried we are. It is hard to celebrate when you have nagging negative thoughts in the back of your mind. We ate like pigs on that vacation! BAHAHA It was nice and relaxing and we joked about taking you down there next year.
On September 28th, we had our first ultra sound. The week prior to that we had gone in and had my blood drawn and urine taken. All of those test came back good. Nothing to worry about there. I can tell you, the weeks leading up to this appointment were highly stressful. I wasn’t getting morning sickness, my breasts weren’t too sore, and the only sign I had that maybe I was still pregnant was that I couldn’t stand meat anymore. I started craving macaroni and cheese and fish sticks! HAHA being that we don’t eat fish. I even cried on the way to your appointment, I was so scare what we may see.
The doctor was perfect for us. She was so bubbly and nice; made me relax immediately. She had to do an transvaginal ultrasound since I was still pretty early along. As soon as she stuck the wand in, your dad and I could see your sack! We both froze in anticipation of what was next. With no problem at all, the doctor found you on the screen and you were moving all over the place. You were so little. Little arm and leg buds barely noticeable. I teared up and your dad was beaming with happiness. What we hadn’t told each other prior to the appointment was that we had both looked up what your heart rate should be, this way we would know when the doctor said it, if it was good or bad. I immediately asked her what it was. She played your little heart beat and said it was 160 bpm!!! I knew right then that you were healthy so far. As the doctor said, you were perfect! And you were moving around quite a bit too. It gave your dad and I so much relief. We went and celebrated at Ruth’s Chris right after. Your dad played your ultrasound video over and over and we couldn’t help but keep staring at your pictures. You were alive inside me and growing.
Here is a little video your proud daddy took of the ultra sound.
The week after that appointment, we celebrated your dad’s birthday in Disney World. This, we figured, would be our last time going there until you and your sibling are old enough. I was able to ride some of the rides and we tried lots of food. It was a nice, relaxing trip as well. We even got to stay at the Animal Kingdom Lodge in a room with a view of the animals. I LOVED that part of the trip. Maybe one day you will want to stay there as well.
While we experienced a good period of relief after the first ultrasound, I secretly started panicking on our trip while we were in Disney World. I was getting pimples more frequently but no real other symptoms. I had even started eating meat a little. While I know they general rule is that once you have seen the heart beat, the chances of miscarriage drops, I still know that there is still a possibility of a bad outcome. And of course, silly me, went and read some pregnancy boards where this was the exact case for many woman. So with little pregnancy symptoms, I started worrying again.
Once we got back, your dad had an email saying that one of the local technical colleges around here were doing free ultra sounds so that their students could get training. Your dad sent me that info and I called them that day. This is a big deal being that I do not call ANYONE! HAHA The lady asked me a few questions about my pregnancy and then said she could get us in November 8th. I was fine with that knowing that I had my 12 week appointment coming up and then this one would be two weeks after that. However, when I got to work yesterday, I had a message from the lady asking if I could come in that day. Apparently several of the students needed practice with first trimester ultrasounds and I was the only one early enough along. Your dad and I jumped at the opportunity!
We arrived at the college at 1pm and we did not leave until 4:15pm! There were four different students that performed an ultra sound on me. Apparently they were taking a test. HAHA Yes, we were test subjects Lil Bit (the name your dad and I gave you in Disney World because we are two and a bit family size). They had to obtain certain measurements and views for their test. This one was an over the belly ultrasound. Let me tell you, you gave them a run for their test points! BAHAHAH They easily found you but you were jumping all over the place! You started on one side and would push of the walls and jump around and jerk all over. They had such a time trying to get your heart rate. Your dad and I were loving every minute of it. They had the machine hooked up to a big screen hanging from the ceiling so we could watch the entire thing. You moved around so much. And your measurements were perfectly on. Your heartbeat was 168 to 173 bpm.
They sent us home with tons of pictures both printed out and on a hard drive. But most importantly, what they didn’t realize is that they sent us home so happy knowing that you are still growing and healthy! Just made our day. Your dad is beaming. You should see him. All smiles and researching what you are doing in there.
Here are some pictures of you from yesterday.
So like our said, our next appointment is one week away. While, yes, lots of things could happen, I am not as worried as before. I look at it this way, we had two wonderful ultra sounds showing you growing and moving and heart beating, and I am a week and a half away from being out of the first trimester!!!
By the way, you are the size of a large strawberry or fig right now. Next week, a lime!! You are getting big.
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